Tuesday Men’s Night is a CMGA event that is held every Tuesday at 5:30 PM. This event is a shotgun start with weekly cash pay outs, closest to the pin prizes, skins game, monthly chip offs, hole in one pot, and a player of the year competition.
The weekly cash pay outs are awarded to the winning teams. Skins and closest to the pin prizes are paid out the night of. The monthly chip off is the last Tuesday of each month. On this night, the closest to the pin winners will have a chip off for $50 cash. The hole in one pot is an optional cost to Men’s Night that is $5, one time. Once someone makes a hole in one in a Tuesday Men’s Night they will be awarded 100% of the hole in one pot money and starting the following week we will start a new hole in one pot. The player of the year is a point based system that is updated weekly. You receive points just by playing in a Men’s Night, placing in Men’s Night, and winning a closest to the pin. The top 3 players with the most points at the end of the year win a cash prize.
To sign up, we ask that you call the Pro Shop the day of before 12 PM. Each week you will be paired with a random foursomes depending on your playing ability. Each foursome will have an A player, B player, C player, and D player based on handicap or known playing ability.
Tuesday Men’s Night costs $20 for non-CMGA Members and $15 for CMGA Members, + applicable golf course fees.
We encourage everyone to come out on Tuesday’s to enjoy a fun atmosphere with members, non-members, and staff!