2017 Carthage Men’s Golf Association Opening Day Breakfast and Scramble


Opening Day Breakfast & Four Man Scramble

7:00 Saturday April 1st    

Free breakfast – The Lighthouse First Christian Church 800 S. Main

* Please bring your completed 2017 membership form.

* Please have your most available email address on the form. This is our primary communication tool.

Four Man Scramble

 9:00 A.M. shotgun start

* $15.00 entry fee plus golf course fees.

* Four man teams will be put together based on handicaps and known abilities.

* We will register for the tournament at the breakfast.

* If unable to attend the breakfast, you may contact the golf course to sign up for the tournament prior to Friday the 31st .

* If weather conditions prevent play of the tournament, we will still have the breakfast meeting.

* Please invite all golfers you think would be interested in joining the CMGA.

Why should you join the CMGA?

  • We are the largest and most active Men’s Golf association in Southwest Missouri!
  • 13 different events to play in throughout the season!
  • USGA handicap service available to CMGA Members!
  • Stroke Play and Match events using USGA Handicaps!
  • Stroke Play, Match Play, Scramble, Alternate Shot, Chapman, 3 Club and other formats used in CMGA events!
  • Our events are played at the best public golf course in our corner of southwest Missouri!
  • Compete for CMGA Player of the Year!
  • Tees are determined by ages 54 and under Black, 55-69 Blue, 70-79 White & 80+ Red!
  • The most fun group of players in one place!
  • Tuesday Men’s Night!
  • Your wife wants you to go shopping!

                                                                                          [contact-form to=’m.peterson@carthagemo.gov’ subject=’CMGA ?’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’CMGA Questions?’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]