JGF Hall of Fame Golf Tournament

2021 Hall of Fame Golf Tournament

Sponsored by the Joplin Golf Foundation

• April 17th, 8:00 AM Shotgun Start •


2021 Induction Luncheon to follow play 

Lowell Catron – 

Through his coaching career, teaching career and junior golf development programs, Coach Catron has been instrumental in the lives of so many young golfers. The Joplin Golf Foundation is proud to honor Lowell Catron as a 2021 Jopling Golf Hall of Fame inductee.

Format – 4 Person 2×2 Scramble

Entry Fee – $240 per team

Register HERE today!

Send in your completed registration form to Tyler at t.markham@carthagemo.gov

Make checks payable to the Joplin Golf Foundation. Deliver entries with entry fee or mail entries with entry fee to: Carthage Golf Course, c/o JGF Hall of Fame, 2000 Richard Webster Drive, Carthage MO 64836