Family Scramble
I love the Family Scramble. It is a 2 person scramble. The only catch is that you have to be related. I have played with my son Derek, my daughter Allison and my dad. I haven’t played with my son Adam yet. Adam is starting to turn into a golf nut. I need to get him down here from Detroit in the next couple of years and play. I never got the chance to play with my mom before she passed away. My dad and I won once. I think my mom and I would have had a good chance. She knew how to get around the golf course! I have a feeling my wife Shannon will make her way back to golf in the next few years too. Then we will have to give it a try. I want to play with as many of my family members as possible. One problem…. the rest of them all live in Minnesota. What a good reason to come down to Carthage for a weekend.
If you have someone in your family that plays golf please invite them, sign up and come out to play this Saturday. I have seen every kind of combination possible in this event. I had a person who had just become engaged ask if they were eligible to play. I told them they could play but if they don’t make it all the way through the wedding day they will need to return any winnings! Ha…
One of these years I am taking my Chocolate Lab to play. Maybe a stretch of the rules. She would love it!
See you Saturday!
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